Board of Commissioners meeting at the Kirkland Arts Center, Kirkland
Sharing a light moment during a board meeting at Kirkland Art Center. Photo by ArtsWA.

Board Meetings & Minutes

About ArtsWA Board of Commissioners Meetings

Our Board of Commissioners meet four times a year in regular session. Meetings usually take place at locations across the state.

ArtsWA Board meetings are open to the public. For information about upcoming meetings call the ArtsWA main desk, at 360-753-3860 or email us.

How To Attend a Board Meeting Online

Please email your name and phone number by 5:00 p.m. the day before the meeting to Executive Assistant Leslie Pope; The sign-on information will be provided at that time.

Upcoming Board Meetings

Time: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Location: In-Person at Squaxin Island Museum Library and Research Center
150 SE K’Wuh-Deegs-Altxw, Shelton, WA 98584

View the agenda and meeting materials here.

Anyone who would like to participate or view the meeting and needs special accommodation or technical assistance can contact the Arts Commission for more information:

April 29: 12 p.m. to 4 p.m.
April 30: 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Location: In-Person in Wenatchee.

View the agenda and meeting materials here.

Anyone who would like to participate or view the meeting and needs special accommodation or technical assistance can contact the Arts Commission for more information:

Time: 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Location: In-Person in Issaquah

View the agenda and meeting materials here.

Anyone who would like to participate or view the meeting and needs special accommodation or technical assistance can contact the Arts Commission for more information:

Time: 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Location: Virtual/Online

View the agenda and meeting materials here.

Anyone who would like to participate or view the meeting and needs special accommodation or technical assistance can contact the Arts Commission for more information:

Past Board Meetings

Legislative information sessions

Members of the Board meet on Fridays at 10:00 a.m. during the legislative session for a roundtable discussion. These meetings do not have a pre-set agenda. Click here to join a meeting.

Public Comment Procedure

If you would like to make a public comment at the meeting, please let us know and we will put you on the public comment list.

  • On the day of the meeting, make sure to sign into the meeting with the name and phone number you provided. This will help us identify you correctly during the meeting.
  • The Chair will call your name when it is your turn to address the commission. Attendees are asked to mute their audio during the meeting unless they are called upon by the Chair.
  • Public comments will be limited to no more than two minutes and only on agenda items during the public comment period.
  • For the record, at the beginning of your comments please state your name, organizational affiliation (if any), and city.
  • Your comments will be recorded and included in the meeting minutes and will be subject to disclosure under the Washington State Public Records Act (RCW 42.56).

How to Submit Written Public Comments

Written citizen comments, limited to agenda items only, will also be accepted via email at until 5:00 p.m. two days before the meeting. The name of the submitter and the date the comments are received will be made part of the record and will also be subject to disclosure under the Washington State Public Records Act. All written comments will be provided to ArtsWA commissioners prior to the meeting and will be included in the meeting minutes.